Plastic Constraint

Naked-Eye 3D Animation
China resources land
Hainan, china


“你见过的每一个灾难都是漫不经心,不以为然开始 (Every catastrophe begins carelessly)…”

“Plastic Constraint” is a commissioned naked-eye 3D animation exhibited at Haikou MIXC high-end shopping mall. In our animation, a whale, trapped in a plastic container, struggles to break through but fails and dies in agony. Inspired by the air and marine pollution in Hainan China, the strong imagery was aimed to illustrate how the increasing amount of plastics pollutants in the ocean is damaging the ecosystem and harming marine species. Plastic can affect marine species in various ways, from entanglement and injury to ingestion and toxic contamination. Just like the whale in the animation, an estimated 300,000 marine mammals are killed by plastic ingestion or entanglement each year, making the ocean a nightmarish slaughterhouse.  

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of China’s biggest environmental problems, especially in Hainan China, one of the well-known tourist destinations for its marine ecology. Exhibited on the busiest streets at the heart of Haikou, the project aims to raise public awareness on such environmental catastrophe, while also actively supporting Hainan’s new standards and enforcement system on banning non-biodegradable plastic bags and utensils by the end of 2020 and the material completely before 2025.

My Contribution


Version 1 (South East Corner)

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Version 2 (South West Corner)

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concept/ sketches

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Green wave Exhibition